Brenda Sanchez, BS

Brenda Sanchez, BS

Brenda Sanchez is a member of the Behavior Intervention Team at the clinic where she works with children and families to create and implement behavioral intervention and skill-based programs in the clinic and home settings. 

Brenda graduated in May 2022 from UW Eau Claire with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology. Before joining the team, Brenda was a lead intern at UWEC in the Blugold Beginnings program. She was responsible for helping college students have a successful transition into college by connecting them to the right services such as education, mental health etc. Brenda also planned and directed monthly events for Blugold Beginnings. 

When not at work, Brenda loves to go shopping, painting, and spending time with her friends. Recently, she has been into learning more about cooking and baking. People would describe Brenda as caring, loving, and funny.